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Chaos while Choosing the right wireframe Framework for you

By Anupam Panwar

One can easily get lost in the world of frameworks which moreover achieves the same result but the way to achieve that result is different. Same is applied while choosing wireframe Framework. The Internet is filled with many such frameworks like whimsical, figma, adobe XD, and many more and thus choosing the apt one for you can sometimes leave you in bewilderment. I was also in the same state when I got started with wireframe designing for my preparatory level-1. I explored various youtube videos and in the same fashion various blogs related to best wireframe Framework and more I searched about it more I was in bewilderment because this is the usual way one feels when he/she has incomplete knowledge about something. I searched continuously for 2 hour about various features that these frameworks can offer me and with what ease I can achieve the desired result in these frameworks. At the end after exploring a dozen of youtube videos and half a dozen blogs I reached up to an conclusion that Figma could be the best choice for me because

"For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"
-- Shakespeare

Similar is applied with Figma also. It too comes with some flaws

Here are some of the pros and cons of figma but a similar list of pros and cons can be prepared for any other framework also thus choosing an apt framework for you becomes a thing of subjective matter accepting the flaws in order to utilize the cons is the discretion of the Person. So choose your framework wisely.